I was tagged by my sister-n-law..... so here it goes....
What was i doing ten years ago?
i was 14 yrs.old. what is that.... Junior High
5 Things on my TO DO list....
1. Put Ryland down for a nap
2. Take a nap myself!!!!
3. Get Parkers room decorated
4. Pack my bags for Long Beach
5. Prepare for a 7 hour flight to North Carolina with 2 yr.old and a 2 week old!!!!!!!
5 snacks i enjoy
1.rice krispy treats
2. pumpkin pie
3. baked lays BBQ chips
4. goldfish (i have a 2 yr.old, what can i say)
5. ice cream
5 places i have lived
1. mesa, AZ
2. mesa, AZ
3. mesa, AZ
4. mesa, AZ
5. mesa, AZ
What would i do if i were A billionaire?
1. Travel the world
2. Buy some acreage and build a beautiful home with a huge backyard
3. Give some to family
5 jobs i have had?
1. receptionist
2. hairdresser
3. sticker catologs for Dave Bang
4. Stay at home mom
5 things people do not know about me?
1. i have to have a clean house before going to bed
2. i hate tomatoes
3. i do not like to drive at night( i kind of sound like an old person)
4. i love hanging out with my family
i now tag my mom, Joleen and Lindsey
Grandma Rogers
7 years ago
Way to follow up on your tag! Hey, I just noticed you are down to double digits for Parker's arrival! YAY!
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