here are a bunch of pictures taken over the last couple days. Natasha(my niece) brought Ryland some cupcakes and we let him go crazy!!! he had so much fun. he was not to sure about it at first, we had to shove his face in it to get him started, then he took over. Then I was doing dishes one morning and found ryland sitting by parker. when i walked in to the room to see what was going on, ryland looked at me with his mad face and said, " i am just watching my baby Parker, mom" . So i walked away and let him be. a few minutes later i heard him talking to Parker and he was asking him if he was scared and if he was ok. Then he started asking him if he was hungry because he wanted to share his bagel with Parker. I thought that was too cute. Then just more pics of the kids around the house.
Grandma Rogers
7 years ago
gosh he is growing so big so fast this is not allowed
Oh my goodness, that is too sweet ! I heard a story once about a Mom who listened in on her Toddler talking to their newborn and the Toddler asked his little Brother ( or Sister, I can't remember ) if he remembered what Jesus was like. So cute, huh ?! Parker is so precious : )
I love Ryland sitting in the Bumbo watching Parker, too cute!
ok, parker looks just like little ryland when he was that age! How cute!
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